Spring is beautiful, and by spring cleaning, we simply want to bring our own internal environments into accord with the “new again” outer world.
Apparently spring cleaning has been a tradition for a long time, dating back to when homes were warmed by burning wood and coal and lit by kerosene lamps. These processes often left homes covered in dark soot, so it was only natural to clean once earth’s seasonal change provided enough warmth and natural light to even notice the soot in the first place.
Nowadays, our homes can be considered both physical and virtual. Our phones and computers are our primary virtual homes, if we cultivate them. So let’s spring clean our files, folders, and camera rolls!
We hope you can join us on Thursday, March 27, 2025 — either IRL in person in Paris, France (at Foundation Fiminco, on the 3rd floor, from 15:00-17:00 CET, entry: free) or online, through the WWW (on Zoom from 10:00am-12:00pm EST, entry: $10). Note: If you want to attend the IRL version in Paris, simply show up to the third floor. If you’d like to attend the virtual version, sign up on the website (https://lu.ma/74on4ew3, also in bio) and access the Zoom link when it’s time. Thank you!