Laurel Schwulst

Today is .

This is the website of Laurel Schwulst, who thanks you for visiting.


I’m working on a journaling methodology and app for iOS & Android called Ping Practice.

To describe a world I would like to exist, and one I imagine many of my works living within, I’ve been using the phrase “PBS of the Internet” — about imagining a PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) for the digital, information age. I recently talked about this idea on some podcasts (one, two), and within some talks / lectures (one).

I am deeply curious about St. Giga, the world’s first digital satellite radio station featuring ambient music, environmental sound recordings, and spoken word poetry, which was begun in 1990 in Japan. Artistically directed by Hiroshi Yokoi, it was programmed according to the natural tide schedule. Its motto was “I'm here. I'm glad you're there. This is St. Giga.”



- Let's Have A Talk by Lauren O'Neill-Butler (2021)
- The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman (1995)
- Weaving the Web by Tim Berners Lee (1999)
- Garden of Mirrored Flowers by Hu Fang (2010)






November 10, 2024 — Workshop at Salt, Jeju, Korea


August 21, 2024 — Interview on Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure, worldwide
August 16, 2024 — Interview on Lux Capital Podcast, worldwide
August 3, 2024 — Conversation at Dia Beacon, Beacon, NY
July 18, 2024 — Ultralight Publication Launch, NYC
July 13, 2024 — HTML Day, Worldwide
A portrait photo of me, Laurel Schwulst — I'm a human being with short brown hair seen in portrait silhoutte mode — the left side of my face smiles while looking outwards to the ocean, the sun glimmering behind me. The photograph was taken by Jason Fulford at 7am on 7.7.2021 at Plumb Beach, New York City.
Photo by Jason Fulford